“Any interpretation is unnecessary… because an interpretation leads to an interpretation of an interpretation, and an interpretation, an interpretation of an interpretation.
In the end, the interpretations themselves create an issue to be interpreted, while in the meantime, a person’s years pass by and the interpretations remain unclarified.”
Sh. Y. Agnon, Sefer Takhlit HaMa’asim, Ha-Esh Veha-Atsim, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1967, p. 163.
Choreography, stage design, lighting and costumes: Rami Baer
Soundtrack design: Rami Baer, Eyal Dadon
Narration: Noam Baer
Additional narration: Dancers and employees of the Kibbutz Dance Company
Driven by his enormous love and passion for dance, theatre, and music, Yoel Peer, producer extraordinaire, is committed, for more than a decade, to bringing shows from abroad. Yoel and Bimot Productions has become the central, pivotal force in cultural show business in Israel by collaborating and initiating festivals, dance performance, musicals, and theatre.
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