An evening of one-act works by a trio of the best contemporary choreographers in the world:
Akram Khan’s Kaash – Kaash (Hindi word for “if only”) continued Akram Khan’s quest to build bridges between the worlds of contemporary dance and the classical Indian dance form of Kathak.
“Petite Mort” by Yji Kilian – Petite Mort is a poetic way of describing an orgasm, in French, and in some other languages, this feeling is described as “little death”. In the moment of pleasure (or in the moment of potentially creating a new life) we are reminded of the fact that our lives are of relatively short duration, and that death is never far from us….
The choreography is based on two slow movements from Mozart’s two most famous piano concertos.
“Autodance” by Sharon Eyal – in this work the dancers seem non-gendered, their accentuated legs make them resemble powerful centaurs. Autodance combines dance, techno and technique; Sometimes explosive, sometimes sublime. A visual, emotional, well-structured and highly aesthetic complex.
Duration of the show: 130 minutes including two intermissions
The event is presented by the MART festival in Tel Aviv.
Driven by his enormous love and passion for dance, theatre, and music, Yoel Peer, producer extraordinaire, is committed, for more than a decade, to bringing shows from abroad. Yoel and Bimot Productions has become the central, pivotal force in cultural show business in Israel by collaborating and initiating festivals, dance performance, musicals, and theatre.
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